TRANSFORMING Lives in Kenya and beyond through Mercy and Love


The staggering statistics by UNICEF show that despite improvements in sub-Saharan Africa in recent decades, 1 in 13 children die under the age of five, compared to 1 in 195 in developed nations. Infectious diseases (such as pneumonia, malaria, and diarrheal diseases) constitute the most common cause of death in children under the age of five years old. If this trend continues, 31 million children under the age of five will die in Africa by the year 2030. Currently, sub-Saharan Africa has 3 public children’s hospitals (two of those located in South Africa) to cater to the continent’s 450 million children.

The proposed 500 bed state-of-the-art center for excellence in pediatric healthcare is slated to be the first mission hospital of its kind in Nyanza-Kenya and East Africa. We envision an accessible, affordable children’s hospital that delivers compassionate, quality care to the entire East African region. The hospital will also include a maternity wing and an outpatient/primary care building dedicated to keeping children and pregnant women in the community healthy.

When compared to previous years, the expectation is that mortality rates will improve among children
under 5 years old due to timely access to affordable medical services/medications and an overall
healthier population due to access to affordable primary care services. Primary care consists of education, early intervention, and surveillance.

Phase 1 – $1 million USD
Outpatient Building – consisting of primary care services such as dental, ophthalmology, mental health, immunizations, & general practitioners.

Phase 2 – $80 million USD
Inpatient Building & Diagnostics – consisting of ER and inpatient units such as med-surg, critical care, OR, newborn nursery, and oncology.
Proposal available on request.

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Leave a lasting legacy that will impact generations. Save precious lives of children from preventable deaths. Depending on the level of your donation, you can have a ward or building listed in Memory of a loved one or in Honor of your name.


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Donation Total: $100.00 One Time

Healthcare Provision

It's not how much we give, but how much love we put into giving

Mother Teresa

LET’S HELP COMBAT 31 MILLION PEDIATRIC DEATHS IN AFRICA BY THE YEAR 2030! Our vision is transforming the state of pediatric healthcare in third world countries by building state-of-the-art children's hospitals. Here is a massing model of the first proposed hospital project in Kisumu, western Kenya. [ngg src="galleries" ids="3" display="basic_thumbnail" thumbnail_crop="0"]&nbsp; <strong>Over half</strong> of the world’s 5.4 million deaths in children under five years old in 2017 occurred in sub-Saharan Africa (figure 1),&nbsp;UNICEF (2019). Of all childhood deaths in Africa, 85% occurred in children under the age of five years old. Currently, <strong>1 in 13 children die under the age of five in Africa</strong>, compared to 1 in 195 in developed nations (WHO, 2019). Infectious diseases (such as pneumonia, malaria, and diarrheal diseases) constitute the most common cause of death in children under the age of five years old (figure 2). If this trend continues, <strong>31 million children under the age of five will die </strong>in Africa by the year 2030 (UNICEF, 2019). This is an alarming statistic and the world ought not watch silently. Intervention needs to occur swiftly to preserve the bright futures of the most vulnerable beings on the continent. Among older children and adolescents, communicable diseases, maternal, perinatal, and nutritional conditions are among the leading causes of death (57%), followed by unintentional injuries (19.3%) and non-communicable diseases (19%) (UNICEF, 2019). According to the United Nations (2020), poor performance of the health system is cited as a major contributor of high mortality rates in otherwise preventable deaths. <strong>Sub-Saharan Africa currently has three public children’s hospitals to cater to ~450 million children</strong>; two are located in South Africa, and one in the city of Eldoret, Kenya. Many areas in sub-Saharan Africa lack access, resources, and infrastructure to adequately manage and treat illnesses and injuries. Thus, illnesses that are easily prevented or treated in developed nations lead to demise. A proposition to this problem is providing access to quality health care in underserved areas all over sub-Saharan Africa by building and equipping state-of-the-art children’s hospitals and health centers. Local licensed clinicians will be rigorously trained to provide safe, high-quality care and will staff the hospitals/health centers as well as serve as educators in the community. This project will begin in Kisumu, a rural city in Nyanza province, western Kenya. Future proposed locations are not limited to but include the Congo, Uganda, and Ghana. &nbsp; <img class="aligncenter wp-image-18287 size-full" src="" alt="" width="949" height="468"><img class="aligncenter wp-image-18286 size-full" src="" alt="" width="946" height="616"> &nbsp; <strong>Sources:</strong> UNICEF. (2019). Children in Africa: Key Statistics on Child Survival and Population. Retrieved from United Nations. (2020). Reducing Child Mortality – The Challenges in Africa. Retrieved from World Health Organization. (2019). Children: Reducing Mortality. Retrieved from


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